At R←{X}(f@g)Y

This operator substitutes selected items in Y with new values or applies a function to modify selected items in Y.

The right operand g identifies which items of array Y are to be substituted or modified. It is either:

The left operand f is either:

The result R is the same as Y but with the items specified by g substituted or modified by f.

Examples (array @ array)

Replace the 2nd and 4th items of ⍳5:

      (10 20@2 4)⍳5   ⍝ 1Note that the expression does not require parentheses because without them, the array 2 4 binds anyway to the @ operator rather than to the ⍳ function.
1 10 3 20 5
      10 20@2 4⍳5
1 10 3 20 5

Replace the 2nd and 4th items of nested vector with :

      (⊂⍬)@2 4 ⍳¨⍳5
│1││1 2 3││1 2 3 4 5│

Replace the 2nd and 4th rows (major cells) of a matrix:

      (2 3⍴10 20)(@2 4)4 3⍴⍳12
 1  2  3
10 20 10
 7  8  9
20 10 20

Replace first and last elements with 0 using Choose Indexing:

      (0@(1 1)(4 3))4 3⍴⍳12
 0  2 3
 4  5 6
 7  8 9
10 11 0


Replace nested items using Reach Indexing:

       G[((1 2)1)((2 3)2)]
       ('' '*' @((1 2)1)((2 3)2)) G
│┌───┬─┐│┌┬─┐   │┌───┬─┐│
││ABC│1││││2│   ││GHI│3││
│└───┴─┘│└┴─┘   │└───┴─┘│

Examples (function @ array)

Replace the 2nd and 4th items of ⍳5 with their reciprocals:

      ÷@2 4 ⍳5
1 0.5 3 0.25 5

Replace the 2nd and 4th items of ⍳5 with their reversal:

      ⌽@2 4 ⍳5
1 4 3 2 5

Multiply the 2nd and 4th items of ⍳5 by 10:

      10×@2 4⍳5
1 20 3 40 5

Replace the 2nd and 4th items by their totals:

       +/¨@2 4 ⍳¨⍳5
│1│3│1 2 3│10│1 2 3 4 5│


Replace the 2nd and 4th rows (major cells) of a matrix with their accumulatives:

      (+\@2 4)4 3⍴⍳12
 1  2  3
 4  9 15
 7  8  9
10 21 33

Examples (array @ function)

Replace odd elements with 0:

0 2 0 4 0

Replace multiples of 3 (note that masked items are substituted in ravel order):

      'abcde'@{0=3|⍵} 4 4⍴⍳16
 1  2  a  4
 5  b  7  8
 c 10 11  d
13 14  e 16

      'abcde'@(0=3|⊢) 4 4⍴⍳16 ⍝ or using a train
 1  2  a  4
 5  b  7  8
 c 10 11  d
13 14  e 16

Examples (function @ function)

Replace odd elements with their reciprocals:

1 2 0.3333333333 4 0.2

Replace odd items of ⍳5 with themselves reversed:

5 2 3 4 1